NEW PUBLICATION: Species Radiations in the Sea: What the Flock?



Species flocks are proliferations of closely-related species, usually after colonization of depauperate

habitat. These radiations are abundant on oceanic islands and in ancient freshwater lakes, but rare

in marine habitats. This contrast is well documented in the Hawaiian Archipelago, where terrestrial

examples include the speciose silverswords (sunflower family Asteraceae), Drosophila fruit flies,

and honeycreepers (passerine birds), all derived from one or a few ancestral lineages. The marine

fauna of Hawai‘i is also the product of rare colonization events, but these colonizations usually

yield only one species. Dispersal ability is key to understanding this evolutionary inequity. While

terrestrial fauna rarely colonize between oceanic islands, marine fauna with pelagic larvae can

make this leap in every generation. An informative exception is the marine fauna that lack a pelagic

larval stage. These low-dispersal species emulate a “terrestrial” mode of reproduction (brooding,

viviparity, crawl-away larvae), yielding marine species flocks in scattered locations around the

world. Elsewhere, aquatic species flocks are concentrated in specific geographic settings,

including the ancient lakes of Baikal (Siberia) and Tanganyika (eastern Africa), and Antarctica. These

locations host multiple species flocks across a broad taxonomic spectrum, indicating a unifying

evolutionary phenomenon. Hence marine species flocks can be singular cases that arise due to

restricted dispersal or other intrinsic features, or they can be geographically clustered, promoted

by extrinsic ecological circumstances. Here, we review and contrast intrinsic cases of species

flocks in individual taxa, and extrinsic cases of geological/ecological opportunity, to elucidate the

processes of species radiations.